
Randolph County News

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Randolph County rise or fall in 2021?

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Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Randolph County received $3 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 317 farmers in cities within Randolph County received a total of $2.3 million in 445 farm subsidies, a 56.4% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $5.4 million in 1,011 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Randolph County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Green Valley Farms, LLC$805,286$155,122-80.7%
Darrell Gene Wright$180,260$142,349-21%
Joseph M. Johnson$316,186$137,847-56.4%
Morgans Farm, Inc.$234,226$123,528-47.3%
Sanders Shady Spot Farms, Inc.$0$106,818--
Davis Chicken Farm, Inc.$0$80,594--
Allen's Dairy, LLC$91,647$69,163-24.5%
Joe M Welborn$0$62,937--
Williams Dairy, Inc.$63,444$56,158-11.5%
Pugh's Logging, Inc.$0$52,875--
Arden Frank Macon$6,248$48,752680.3%
Charles F. Deaton Jr.$10,043$46,809366.1%
Seth S. Lucas$0$44,591--
Clifton F. Poe Jr.$4,060$42,244940.5%
Bruce Alexander Humble$31,244$35,86214.8%
Richard Craig Macon$8,261$35,763332.9%
Brandon L. Cheek$12,023$35,672196.7%
Chason Everett Hancock$0$32,732--
Russell Farms, Inc.$21,305$32,45952.4%
Fletcher C. Auman$0$29,855--
Tommy L. Saunders$44,271$27,666-37.5%
Thomas L. Canoy$66,533$23,726-64.3%
Stephanie Yvonne Dunn Langley$19,265$23,31521%
Thomas Quentin Fox White$44,213$23,192-47.5%
Ritchie L. Kidd$0$22,928--
Rockin B Farm, Inc.$0$21,808--
Phillip Chad Carmac$121,606$20,858-82.8%
Triple Oak Farm, LLC$0$20,006--
Bobby L. Anthony$100,634$19,800-80.3%
Mr. Donald Keith Chriscoe$0$19,038--
Caleb Logan Kidd$1,383$18,6441,248.1%
Franklin B Simmons$89,639$18,417-79.5%
Travis Pugh$57,641$18,175-68.5%
Steve Michael Cox$12,399$17,85144%
Matthew James Luck$0$16,664--
Hicks Hauling$0$15,952--
Jason T. Sink$23,586$15,022-36.3%
William Thomas Lawrence$112,152$14,816-86.8%
Philip R. Ward$49,382$13,482-72.7%
Bill Ward$70,713$13,457-81%
Donnie Ray Sumner$114,194$13,326-88.3%
Earl York JR and Son Farms$21,505$11,623-46%
Duree Gatlin Auman$0$11,382--
John M. Clanton$20,772$11,267-45.8%
William C. Scotton$35,693$11,095-68.9%
Wade Foust$3,528$10,537198.7%
Richard E. Canoy Jr.$37,787$10,363-72.6%
Hearth Farms, LLC$10,218$10,2180%
Donald Reece Wright$17,745$10,186-42.6%
Hancock Farms, Inc.$58,005$9,716-83.2%
Circle T Farm$36,368$9,207-74.7%
Gerald W Sanders JR$60,722$8,868-85.4%
Steve Crutchfield$8,411$8,7614.2%
4up Farm, LLC$0$8,246--
Allen B. Cox$18,848$8,229-56.3%
Jason David Cheek$14,906$7,736-48.1%
Carl R. Smith$26,386$7,583-71.3%
Walter Jack Smith Jr.$27,339$7,509-72.5%
James Richard Canoy$25,617$7,406-71.1%
Timothy R. Langley$17,097$7,354-57%
Duane L. Strider$21,630$7,142-67%
Ronnie L. Smith$4,092$7,02971.8%
Justin A. Leonard$0$6,901--
Brian B. Foust$33,018$6,876-79.2%
Richard E. Canoy$8,240$6,717-18.5%
J C Causey and Sons, LLC$15,460$6,515-57.9%
Thomas D. Groninger$0$6,209--
Joe Kent Elliott$25,686$6,135-76.1%
Kenneth F. Lambeth$11,362$6,117-46.2%
Casa Olaechea, LLC$0$5,995--
Wesley Gillispie$23,998$5,900-75.4%
John Mitchell Cain$0$5,796--
Kemp J. Davis$14,039$5,785-58.8%
Quentin J. Allen Jr.$9,001$5,709-36.6%
Adam K. Beeson$11,130$5,547-50.2%
Chris S. York$10,491$5,138-51%
James G. Mooneyhan Jr.$18,203$4,943-72.8%
Derrick William Cox$7,671$4,845-36.8%
William D. Cox$9,576$4,845-49.4%
Mark R. Wilburn II$17,655$4,843-72.6%
Thomas Dean Fogleman$5,867$4,837-17.6%
Michael D. Beeson$10,353$4,292-58.5%
Wesley C. Hicks$7,876$4,252-46%
David V. Lassiter Jr.$11,386$4,004-64.8%
Patrick W. Chriscoe$12,740$3,939-69.1%
Douglas F. Clapp$7,950$3,873-51.3%
Frank Goodson$9,136$3,870-57.6%
John F. Shoffner$12,307$3,848-68.7%
William Jeffrey Maness$8,152$3,764-53.8%
Steven Cole Williamson$14,993$3,524-76.5%
Dennis Wicker$2,047$3,42467.3%
James Andrew Deaton$10,264$3,399-66.9%
J2 Cattle Farm, LLC$9,293$3,386-63.6%
Rodney B. Brown$22,863$3,199-86%
Roger H. Garner$17,577$3,192-81.8%
Del Ray Wilson$19,982$3,146-84.3%
Waylon Chad Saunders$0$3,145--
Steven D. Scarboro$6,222$3,068-50.7%
Michael K. Fogleman$3,691$3,067-16.9%
Francis Michael Cheek$16,872$3,055-81.9%
Joseph F. Capps Jr.$5,656$2,964-47.6%
Joseph F. Capps Sr.$5,678$2,964-47.8%
William Thomas Lawrence Jr.$13,699$2,925-78.6%
Larry Hicks$5,135$2,856-44.4%
Kent R. Atkinson$15,842$2,835-82.1%
Michael a Moss$11,874$2,810-76.3%
Gregory Lloyd Cox$5,357$2,562-52.2%
Chriscoe Cattle Farm, LLC$8,267$2,399-71%
Robert Cheek$6,919$2,391-65.4%
Paul Jason Shue$5,159$2,372-54%
Davis Brothers Randolphian Farm, LLC$0$2,345--
Max S. Hooker$4,227$2,248-46.8%
Paul Shane Asbill$5,731$2,238-60.9%
Heidi M. Tafel$2,148$2,1480%
Jeffrey C. Smith$10,143$2,120-79.1%
Harold E Mendenhall IRR Trust$9,951$2,095-78.9%
Donald R. Hoover$2,984$2,051-31.3%
George D. Moore$5,148$2,026-60.6%
Joe Dean Cox$12,876$1,990-84.5%
Kevin Canoy$20,563$1,985-90.3%
Mickey C. Bowman$2,926$1,968-32.7%
Jonathan B. Jester$3,768$1,960-48%
Phyllis Lawrence$9,182$1,959-78.7%
Bobby Royals$1,938$1,9380%
Donald Herndon$2,992$1,935-35.3%
Adam J. Swaney$8,272$1,931-76.7%
Donald C. Craven$2,802$1,878-33%
Rhonda H. Coble$0$1,868--
Christian Carnet Lavelle$4,906$1,862-62%
Darren Max Asbill$7,622$1,842-75.8%
Jerrold L. Murchison$3,933$1,836-53.3%
Kevin W. Clapp$8,316$1,800-78.4%
James Tucker Coward$14,656$1,752-88%
Gurney W. Chriscoe$7,793$1,695-78.2%
Eric D. Cheek$9,544$1,680-82.4%
Marion Eugene Frazier$1,676$1,6760%
Douglas Clarence Cagle$0$1,650--
Bobby E. Garner$6,798$1,635-75.9%
Kevin Teague Trucking, Inc.$6,012$1,612-73.2%
Kathy Matthews Woodward$8,513$1,581-81.4%
Daniel A. Neese$5,948$1,572-73.6%
Flora Mae Lawrimore$0$1,552--
Skeens Farm, LLC$7,337$1,531-79.1%
Harvey Chriscoe$6,380$1,454-77.2%
Petronella V. Beck$3,787$1,446-61.8%
Aaron Avelino$8,458$1,419-83.2%
Charles Howard Isley$8,646$1,409-83.7%
Jimmy A. Sikes$2,070$1,406-32.1%
Luke T. Gillispie$5,225$1,404-73.1%
James W. Brafford III$9,845$1,403-85.7%
Kyle Walker Gillispie$5,236$1,374-73.8%
Thomas M. Gillispie$5,121$1,363-73.4%
Doris A. Showalter$915$1,35848.4%
Michael C. Lackey$8,385$1,344-84%
Victor Coward$10,819$1,328-87.7%
Boyce Asbill$5,434$1,285-76.4%
Victor Craig Staley$6,541$1,283-80.4%
Kevin Lineberry$5,157$1,283-75.1%
Henry Alson Craven$4,356$1,242-71.5%
Jack Robert Shelton$0$1,236--
Nathan Gillispie$4,672$1,225-73.8%
John H. Wrape Jr.$5,738$1,205-79%
David E. Cheek$3,542$1,190-66.4%
Jane T. Langley$5,874$1,180-79.9%
Philip L. Wray$4,213$1,176-72.1%
Roger D. Little$5,667$1,156-79.6%
Tina Price Martin$0$1,155--
Tonya Deann Kivett$5,615$1,155-79.4%
Charles S. Joyce$4,999$1,097-78.1%
Peggy Hope$1,094$1,0940%
Robert C. Hope$1,094$1,0940%
Frankie Lee Cagle$6,282$1,080-82.8%
Shannon Shoffner$4,037$1,068-73.5%
Ryan Stutts$7,428$1,065-85.7%
Phillip R. Kiser$4,494$1,038-76.9%
Ronald W. Williams$3,681$1,021-72.3%
Harold Michael Hodges$5,217$1,004-80.8%
Donald R. Parrish III$10,390$999-90.4%
Jerry Lee Gillispie$4,380$992-77.4%
Roy Gregory Williamson$4,477$982-78.1%
Mark Lee Hayes$3,224$977-69.7%
Randy J. Hancock$4,782$962-79.9%
Terry W. Moffitt$958$9580%
James Brafford Jr.$1,968$918-53.4%
Larry R. Brown$4,788$903-81.1%
Darren L. Anthony$14,929$861-94.2%
Nicholas G. Robinson$8,185$842-89.7%
George R. Leach$3,421$838-75.5%
Richard R. McNeill$3,069$831-72.9%
Jimmy F. Needham$3,865$830-78.5%
Timothy Bryant Madren$3,583$827-76.9%
Bobby J. Deaton$3,597$821-77.2%
Roger N. Cobb$4,000$811-79.7%
Cody T. Davis$4,983$796-84%
William T. Poole$4,616$771-83.3%
Bobby Ray Kiser$4,287$764-82.2%
Todd H. Smith$914$762-16.6%
Clifton Larry McSwain$4,562$757-83.4%
Mark Richard Wright$3,311$743-77.6%
Michael C. Murray$5,039$736-85.4%
Adam C English$3,170$730-77%
Donald Steven Kiser$3,431$729-78.8%
Gary A. Chriscoe$3,918$721-81.6%
Larry B. Walker$3,575$717-79.9%
James Michael Long$4,877$710-85.4%
Larry Franklin Garner Sr.$1,320$698-47.1%
Rodney Lynn Deaton$2,640$692-73.8%
Freda B. Leonard$2,992$686-77.1%
Chris Stewart$16,247$682-95.8%
Terry S. Martin$1,952$676-65.4%
Arthur Franklin Davis$4,384$675-84.6%
Bennie B. Coble$2,981$666-77.7%
Timothy Clinton Davis$3,293$663-79.9%
Luke Wayne Chriscoe$3,048$658-78.4%
Dylon Patrick Chriscoe$2,706$652-75.9%
Zachary Harvey Gardner$3,399$641-81.1%
Peggy Yates$3,041$638-79%
Henry Cockman$2,915$637-78.1%
Gary Dean Smith Jr.$4,431$621-86%
Clayton Bruce Denny$3,752$619-83.5%
William M. Neely$2,442$616-74.8%
Colton Marshall Talbert$4,129$615-85.1%
Reginald L. Goldston$2,790$605-78.3%
Samuel E. Trogdon Sr.$2,574$598-76.8%
James R. Jones III$2,836$571-79.9%
Robert M. Lackey$0$568--
Ricky E. Gillispie$3,498$553-84.2%
Joe Carl Brewer$2,464$550-77.7%
William T. Brown$2,563$543-78.8%
Ronald D. Alcorn$5,536$531-90.4%
Jeffrey A. Isley$2,786$522-81.3%
Bernard E. Beck$3,135$518-83.5%
Jerry E. Isley$3,027$512-83.1%
Jentry D. Davis$2,411$512-78.8%
Benjamin Ray Poe$2,922$508-82.6%
Wendell L. Plum$507$5070%
Nolan L. Lowe$3,651$506-86.1%
Bobby L Royals Re, LLC$504$5040%
Terry R. Smith$4,100$502-87.8%
Eddie F. Davis$1,656$501-69.7%
Harley F. Davis$3,099$492-84.1%
Charles Ray Farlow$818$484-40.8%
Donald R. Asbill$1,199$471-60.7%
Donna Mason$2,046$470-77%
Dwight D. Ritter$2,677$468-82.5%
Steven D. Hayes$2,211$464-79%
Carnie C. Marley$1,738$460-73.5%
James R. Cox$3,097$456-85.3%
David Gilmore Jr.$7,053$424-94%
Ryan Taylor Sineath$3,091$422-86.3%
Loyd Lendis Hayes$1,089$416-61.8%
Makla S Sanders$4,408$415-90.6%
Reid Harlen Rich Jr.$2,398$411-82.9%
James Ray Johnson$1,479$397-73.2%
Terry Ray Harvey$2,139$394-81.6%
Linda B. Game$267$39146.4%
Michael Eugene Brady$391$3910%
Willie T. Brewer$1,964$384-80.4%
Roger Pritchard$935$370-60.4%
Harold W. Alexander$1,458$366-74.9%
Rhonda Langley$4,848$365-92.5%
Larry Goldston$2,134$364-82.9%
Broken Fenses, LLC$1,755$363-79.3%
James Brian Robbins$5,193$363-93%
Jody Morgan$1,326$348-73.8%
Timothy C. Cox$702$343-51.1%
Sidney J. Kiser$336$3360%
O & D Farms, Inc.$209$33359.3%
Henry Dale Ritter$1,888$332-82.4%
Ronnie Edward Garner$1,753$326-81.4%
Keith Robbins$1,521$325-78.6%
Roger L. Wilson$324$3240%
Sara Katherine Courts$3,649$320-91.2%
Paul Leon Waddell$2,622$310-88.2%
Stephen Graf$1,222$309-74.7%
Emily T. Clodfelter$308$3080%
Anthony M. Chriscoe$4,059$308-92.4%
Kevin Christopher Langley$2,552$307-88%
Grace Comer Beane$1,452$301-79.3%
Hunter R. Davis$4,416$294-93.3%
David Steven Underwood$347$278-19.9%
Clint Travis Beck$1,056$277-73.8%
Jon A. Nance$957$266-72.2%
Avis A. McSwain$1,546$256-83.4%
John Stanley Lowe$1,210$253-79.1%
Marc N. Clapp$6,889$245-96.4%
Rodney Hardy$2,770$242-91.3%
Randy L. Saunders$1,936$239-87.7%
Claud Jeffrey Greeson$1,617$236-85.4%
Donald Ray Craven$1,582$212-86.6%
Stephen C. Allen$230$208-9.6%
Kaye F. Ingle$253$206-18.6%
Paul H. Comer$2,043$200-90.2%
Sara M. Moffitt$1,206$194-83.9%
Rodney G. Ritter$462$190-58.9%
Thurman A. Chriscoe$3,984$176-95.6%
Litchard D. Hurley$814$173-78.7%
Jerry D. Wicker$330$172-47.9%
Roy H. McNeill$572$172-69.9%
Amy B. Brown$159$1590%
Lewis James Bonkemeyer$517$155-70%
Bryan Locklear$974$153-84.3%
Arnold R. Comer$715$152-78.7%
Tommy O. Cox$616$146-76.3%
Tony Wilfred Pugh$760$145-80.9%
James Harris$3,361$140-95.8%
Herman Callicutt$638$138-78.4%
James Craig Martin$264$138-47.7%
Clyde E. Comer Jr.$308$128-58.4%
Brian Lamb$627$114-81.8%
Dwight Roy Williamson$1,846$86-95.3%
Alton P. Brower$3,700$70-98.1%
Stephen Bigham$0$43--
Guy K. Troy$76$38-50%
David R. Frazier$76$38-50%
Marianne E. Moffitt$270$14-94.8%
Margaret W. Brown$23$11-52.2%
Brian W. Downing$770$0-100%
Carol R. Purvis$299$0-100%
Charles Ray Farlow Estate$440$0-100%
Cody P. Cagle$1,925$0-100%
Darrell T. Miller$129,396$0-100%
David N. Pike$2,131$0-100%
Lee E. Brim Jr.$7,788$0-100%
Edward D Powell JR$5,005$0-100%
Hickory Hill Nursery$32,167$0-100%
James B. Neely Jr.$87,289$0-100%
James Frank Hill$602$0-100%
James H. Cagle$3,465$0-100%
Jimmy Edward Hill$22,375$0-100%
Jonathan Brent Scarlett$4,831$0-100%
Joseph E. Fowler$275$0-100%
Larry W. McPherson$322$0-100%
Randy Charles Loflin$1,650$0-100%
Sue Farlow$205$0-100%
T B Gran, LLC$970$0-100%
Wilbert Lee Hancock$29,680$0-100%
Alan G. Sawyer$113,804$0-100%
Everett A. Humble$170$0-100%
Forest Moon Farms, LLC$22,196$0-100%
Gilmore Plant & Bulb Company, Inc.$64,147$0-100%
James Robert Fogleman$11$0-100%
Jeffrey L. Cox$2,255$0-100%
Joann E. Jurney$2,777$0-100%
Lyn Smith Richardson$2,750$0-100%
Patricia K. Neese$11,287$0-100%
Paul E. Fogleman$11$0-100%
Ralph Burton Greeson Jr.$173$0-100%
Rhonlee a Kime$84$0-100%
William A. Gallon$1,419$0-100%
Darrell R Carmac$2,145$0-100%
David M. Jessup$1,540$0-100%
Derek Elvin Ritter$1,320$0-100%
Lloyd B West$1,485$0-100%
Lynn T. Burgess$6,050$0-100%
Michael a Beal$13,987$0-100%
Sarah B. Beal$860$0-100%
Thomas Eugene Routh$1,705$0-100%
William Danel Allred$139$0-100%
Christian Vestal$220$0-100%
Davis Brothers Randolphian Farm L$4,188$0-100%
Doyle B. Cox$214$0-100%
Joe M. Welborn$10,847$0-100%
Kyle Lamb$1,705$0-100%
Larry Mesecher$229$0-100%
Ryan Davis SR$3,739$0-100%
Thomas S. Edmonds$11,612$0-100%
Bobby S. Deaton$2,381$0-100%
D and J Goat Farms, LLC$4,157$0-100%
Devon Allred$935$0-100%
Donald K. Chriscoe$291,389$0-100%
Donald W. Burgess$495$0-100%
James Kendall Wright$828$0-100%
Jerry Lee Lowdermilk$141$0-100%
Jolene R. Johnson$240$0-100%
Justin Willie Richardson$1,174$0-100%
Larry F. Garner$1,860$0-100%
Larry Wayne Mabe II$1,485$0-100%
Seth Wilson Clapp$1,210$0-100%
William C. Burrow$715$0-100%
Jimmie L. Moffitt$935$0-100%
David Sidney Underwood$145$0-100%
Eva Underwood$47$0-100%
Larry Cale Lister$824$0-100%
Michael Harmon$1,545$0-100%
Randy A. Beck$1,595$0-100%
Richard Travis Hughes$1,760$0-100%
Roland B. Lawrimore Jr.$1,588$0-100%
Terrell Double TT Farm, LLC$4,180$0-100%
Wesley Allen Hulin$440$0-100%
Total subsidies$5,360,141$2,335,129-56.4%


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